ZUP Baden-Württemberg

Institute for Geography and Geoecology, KIT


PD Dr. Stefan Norra, Dipl. Geoökol. Denise Böhnke, Dipl. Geoökol. Dipl. Ing. (FH) Reiner Gebhardt, Dr. Florian Hogewind

The Department of Geography and Geoecology (IfGG) at the KIT aims to increase our scientific understanding of interdisciplinary processes in ecosystems.

The necessary basics for these scientific principles are taught in lectures and in numerous field courses - also in collaboration with other institutes at KIT, such as the Zoological Institute. The research and education at the IfGG itself involves the disciplines of physical geography, such as soil science and geomorphology, vegetation geography, urban ecology, climatology and remote sensing.

With innovative technical methods we are able to for example collect, statistically analyze and model climatic data. However, our greatest asset is our dedicated staff who explore various issues, exchange ideas, and generate valuable new knowledge.